A Pannon medence és környezete nagyszerkezeti egységeinek jelenkori kinematikája GPS mérések alapján = Present-day kinematics of the main structural units of the Pannonian basin and its surroundings

Megvizsgaltam a GPS Kerethalozatot, s a pontok geodinamikai alkalmazhatosagat, a laza uledekes teruleteket a GPS mozgasvizsgalatba sikeresen bevontam. Teljes orszagos lefedettsegű, szelső pontossagu GPS meresi kampanyokat szerveztem es hajtottunk vegre az osszes GPS ponton. Ezzel az integracioval letrehoztam a Magyar GPS Geodinamikai Alaphalozatot. Meresi kampanyokat koordinaltunk a kozep-europai geodinamikai halozatban is 14 orszag reszvetelevel, szamos analizist vegeztunk, s a nemzetkozi eredmenyeket publikaltuk. A CEGRN Konzorciumban titkari es iranyito tanacstagi tisztseggel lattak el, majd felkertek elnoknek. A TISZA nagyszerkezeti egyseg jelentős, nagyaranyu deformacioit feltartam, az ALCAPA belső deformacioit pontositottam, alegysegenkent meghataroztam. A nagyszerkezetek relativ mozgasat es a kozep-magyarorszagi nyirozonat vizsgaltam, es az első kovetkezteteseket levontam. A GPS keregmozgas adatokat foldrengesadatokkal osszehasonlitottuk a szeizmologus kollegakkal kooperacioban. A Mur-Murz zona eseteben a GPS deformacio es hatasara letrejovő foldrengeseket analizalva a hozzajarultunk a foldrengesveszely jobb, pontosabb megismeresehez. A kozep-magyarorszagi terseg foldrenges veszelyeztetettsegere vonatkozo adatokat is kiszamitottuk, az aszeizmikus deformacio aranyat megallapitottuk. Kidolgoztam egy integralt GNNS geodinamikai kutatasi tervet a jelen igenyeket mindenben kielegitő pontossag es felbontasig elvezetve a keregmozgas es deformacio felterkepezeset. | I investigated the GPS Frame Network and the applicability of its sites from geodynamic viewpoint and successfully incorporated the soft sedimentary regions into our GPS geodynamic research. I organized high precision country-wide GPS measurement campaigns at all these GPS sites. With this network integration I established the Hungarian GPS Geodynamic Base Network. We coordinated surveys in the Central European geodynamic network with the participation of 14 countries. Several analyses have been done and we published all these international results. I was elected as secretary, governing board member of the CEGRN Consortium and later selected as its chairman. I revealed the major large-scale deformation of the Tisza megaunit, and better constrained the deformation of ALCAPA and its subregions. I investigated the relative motion of these megaunits and the middle-Hungarian shear zone, and the first conclusions have been drawn. With the cooperation of seismologists we compared the GPS crustal motion with seismic data. In case of the Mur-Murz zone analyzing the crustal motions and the resulting earthquakes and the seismic efficiency, we contributed to its earthquake hazard assessment. We also calculated these data for the central-Hungarian seismic zone and the ratio of aseismic deformation has been determined. I worked out an integrated GNSS geodynamic research plan to meet all present need in precision and spatial resolution regarding the crustal motion and deformation map.
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