Farklı Kademedeki Mısır (Zea mays indendata Strut.) Islah Materyallerinin Yoklama Melezi Yoluyla Kombinasyon Yeteneği Etkileri ve Heterosisin Belirlenmesi

The experiment was conducted in 2016 and 2017 growing seasons under Bursa ecological conditions. In this study, 20 main and 2 test lines developed under Bursa ecological conditions and 40 hybrid maize combinations produced by hybridizing these parents according to line x tester method were used. In the experiment, yield and yield components of each genotype were determined, hybrid power of hybrid hybrids and combination ability of parents were examined. The experiment was carried out with 2 replications according to Randomized Blocks Experimental Design. Flowering day duration, plant height, grain rate, thousand grain weight and grain yield characteristics of the parents and hybrids were investigated. According to the combination capability analysis, the highest overall combination ability was obtained from the BZM-5 main line with 150.87 grain characteristics and the FRMo17 tester line with 138.817. Special combination ability value was significant in plant height, thousand seed weight and seed yield. Plant height character negative 3x21 hybrid, 3x22 hybrid positive, thousand grain weight 18x21 character negative, 18x22 hybrid positive and grain yield 1x21, 2x21, 7x21, 8x21, 18x21, 14x22, 15x22, 16x22, 17x22 and 19x22 hybrid combinations negative, 1x22, 2x22, 7x22, 8x22, 18x22, 14x21, 15x21, 16x21, 17x21 and 19x21 hybrid combinations were found to be positive. Heterosis value was determined between -10.51% and 222%, heterobeltiosis value was between -17% and 144% and the highest heterosis and heteroltiosis values were determined in 5x22 hybrid with grain yield characteristics.
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