Trapping of surface plasmon polaritons in a multiple-teeth-shaped waveguide at visible wavelengths

We numerically and theoretically demonstrate that a metal–insulator–metal (MIM) waveguide with multiple-teeth-shaped graded depths can strongly slow light as the propagation velocities of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are reduced over a large frequency bandwidth at visible wavelengths domain. Since the wavelength of the trough of transmission is dependent on the depth of the tooth-shaped dielectric in the MIM waveguide, the guided SPPs at different frequencies can be localized at different spatial positions of the multiple-teeth-shaped graded depths MIM waveguide, which can be proved by the scattering matrix method. The separation between trapped waves can be tuned by changing the grade of the tooth-shaped depths and the lifetime of SPPs in the waveguide may be long enough for some meaningful nano-photonic applications.
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