Guidance for undertaking skid resistance site investigations in London

In 2009 WDM Ltd developed a policy document and a guidance document for implementing a Skid Resistance Policy for London. This was reported at the 3rd International Road Surface Friction Conference in 2011. Skid resistance surveys in London are undertaken using the Sideway-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine (SCRIM). Based on the guidelines specified in the strategy, annual Prioritised Site Listings for each of the 33 boroughs have been provided from 2009 to 2012. In simple terms, the Prioritised Site Listing provides a long list of lsitesr of the SCRIM Survey Network, that can be prioritised based on various factors related to accident risk. The key factors include SCRIM Difference that is based on the Investigatory Level (IL) assigned to the Site Category and the CSC (Characteristic SCRIM Coefficient), number of wet and dry accidents, number of Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) accidents, and traffic flow. It has been observed that there is no single method to undertake investigations, and a need was identified to develop guidance that can be applied during both the preliminary desktop investigations and secondary site investigations. The paper will outline the development of a guidance and training manual for engineers undertaking investigations. It will consider how the training manual can be used to demonstrate competence in undertaking investigations, and how the records can be used to justify investment, and to defend claims.
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