Simultaneous capture of the color and topography of paintings using fringe encoded stereo vision

Introduction: Paintings are versatile near-planar objects with material characteristics that vary widely. The fact that paint has a material presence is often overlooked, mostly due to the fact that we encounter many of these artworks through two dimensional reproductions. The capture of paintings in the third dimension is not only interesting for study, restoration and conservation, but it also facilitates making three dimensional reproductions through novel 3-D printing methods. No single imaging method is ideally suited to capture the painting’s color and topography and each of them have specific drawbacks. We have therefore designed an efficient hybrid imaging system dedicated to capturing paintings in both color and topography with a high resolution. Results: A hybrid solution between fringe projection and stereo imaging is proposed involving two cameras and a projector. Fringe projection is aided by sparse stereo matching to serve as an image encoder. These encoded images processed by the stereo cameras then help solve the correspondence problem in stereo matching, leading to a dense and accurate topographical map, while simultaneously capturing its color. Through high-end cameras, special lenses and filters we capture a surface area of 170 square centimeter with an in-plane effective resolution of 50 micron and a depth precision of 9 micron. Semi-automated positioning of the system and data stitching consequently allows for the capture of larger surfaces. The capture of the 2 square meter big Jewish Bride by Rembrandt yielded 1 billion 3-D points. Conclusion: The reproductive properties of the imaging system are conform the digitization guidelines for cultural heritage. The data has enabled us to make high resolution 3-D prints of the works by Rembrandt and Van Gogh we have captured, and confirms that the system performs well in capturing both the color and depth information.
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