Repeated exacerbations of ocular inflammation with vitreous hemorrhage in a patient with HLA-B27 associated uveitis

HLA-B27 associated uveitis is characterized by recurrent alternating acute unilateral attacks of intraocular inflammation in the anterior chamber. The aim of this study was to report an unusual case of repeated exacerbations with vitreous hemorrhage in HLA-B27 associated uveitis. Thirty four-year-old man was diagnosed as HLA-B27 as- sociated uveitis in his right eye. He showed repeated exacerbation of ocular inflamma- tion with retinal vein dilation and small retinal hemorrhage following vitreous hemor- rhage. Fluorescein fundus angiography a week before the appearance of vitreous hem- orrhage showed no neovascularization. Oral prednisolone administration was started from 40 mg/day with gradual tapering. About 3 weeks after the onset, most of the vitre- ous hemorrhage disappeared and visual acuity was improved to 20/20. Through the de- creased vitreous hemorrhage, Weiss ring was detected later. The vitreous hemorrhage found in this patient is a severe exacerbation, and might be a consequence of the vitritis that leads to posterior vitreous detachment. J. Med. Invest. 54 : 350-353, August, 2007
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