Этиопатогенетические подходы к диагностике заболеваний шейки матки у иммунокомпрометированных женщин

641 HIV-positive women, 102 women having extra genital tuberculosis in a combination with HIV-infection, and 1422 women without any immunodefi ciency were surveyed. Th ere were detected the symptoms of genital infections. Th e changes of cervical epithelium in 100% of patients with "A double immunodefi ciency" (HIV+ tuberculosis) and in every second woman with the normal immune status were detected. Carrying out 743 colposcopy researches in women with immunodefi ciency conditions it was revealed that the symptoms of HPV are certain in patients having HIV and extra genital tuberculosis. Th e morphological conclusions more corresponded to results of colposcopy than to the conclusions of the cytologist, the realization of the oncologic program is more probable in conditions of the acquired immunodefi ciency.
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