Device physics and focal plane array applications of QWIP and MCT

Infrared sensor technology is critical to many commercial and militaiy defense applications. Traditionally, cooled infrared material systems such as indium antimonide, platinum suicide, mercwy cadmium telluride, and arsenic doped silicon (Si:As) have dominated infrared detection. Improvement in surveillance sensors and interceptor seekers requires large size, highly unifonn, and multicolor JR focal plane arrays involving medium wave, long wave, and very long wave IR regions. Among the competing technologies are the quantum well infrared photodetectors based on lattice matched or strained 111-V material systems. This paper discusses cooled IR technology with emphasis on QWIP and MCT. Details will be given concerning device physics, material growth, device fabrication, device performance, and cost effectiveness for LWIR, VLWIR, and multicolor focal plane array applications
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