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Writing about the world

*INTRODUCTION: HOW WILL YOU LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD? *1. READING AND WRITING IN COLLEGE. 2. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. *Introduction: Government and Politics. *Student Essay: Cynthia Rebelo, "Little Flag, Full of Hope". Definitions and Cultural Contexts. Confucius, The Sacred Books of Confucius: Paternal Government (China). *Plato, The Republic (Greece). Kautilya, The Arthashastra (India). Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince (Italy). Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence (U.S.A.). Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (USA). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Bourgeois and Proletarians (Germany). *Mao Tse-tung, On the Correct handling of Contradictions Among the People (China). Julius K. Nyerere, Ujamaa--The Basis of African Socialism The Arusha Declaration (Tanzania, Africa). United Nations: Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Global). *John Rawls, The Law of Peoples (Western World). The Globalization of Wealth and Power. *Oxfam (United Kingdom): An Overview of Globalization. *Kofi Annan: Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, December 10, 2001. *Robert Reich, Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer. War and Peace. *George W. Bush, From The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, (The Bush Doctrine). *Charles Colson, Just War, Preemption, and Iraq. *Jimmy Carter: Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, December 10, 2002. *Arundhati Roy, Excerpts from War Talk. *Wendell Berry, A Citizens Response to The National Security Strategy of the United States of America. *Daniele Archibugi and Iris Marion Young, Envisioning a Global Rule of Law. Race, Gender, and Oppression. Albert Memmi, Racism and Oppression. George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant. Simone de Beauvior, Women as Other. Amaury de Riencourt, Women in Athens. Mohandas K. Gandhi, Satyagraha. Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail. Nelson Mandela, I Am Prepared to Die. *Aung San Suu Kyi, Keynote Address, Beijing Forum on Women, 1995. Writing Assignments. 3. ART AND LITERATURE. *Introduction: Art and Literature. *Student Essay: Nicole Gottuso, The Greatest of Pleasures. Definitions and Cultural Contexts. Royal Bank of Canada Newsletter, What Use Is Art? Susanne K. Langer, The Cultural Importance of the Arts. E. H. Gombrich, Art for Eternity. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Understanding Indian Art. Roy Sieber, Traditional Arts of Black Africa. Philip Rawson, Islamic Art: Calligraphy. *Billy Collins, Introduction to Poetry. John Stallworthy, Letter to a Friend. Archibald MacLeish, Ars Poetica. Javier Heraud, Ars Poetica. Marianne Moore, Poetry. Race, Gender, and Opression. Pablo Neruda, United Fruit Company. Paul Laurence Dunbar, We Wear the Mask. June Jordan, A Poem about Intelligence for My Brothers and Sisters. Marzieh Ahmadi Oskooii, Im a Woman. Joy Harjo, The Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window. *Nawal El Saadawi, Growing Up Female in Egypt. Yu Hsuan-Chi, On a Visit to Chung Chen Toaist Temple. Sor Juana De La Cruz, She Proves the Inconsistency ... Sappho, Invocation to Aphrodite. Maxine Hong Kingston, No Name Woman. War and Peace. *Thomas Hardy, The Man He Killed. Anthony Hecht, More Light! More Light! Muriel Rukeyser, Letter to the Front. William Butler Yeats, Easter 1916. The Environment/The Garden in Global Contexts. Alice Walker, In Search of Our Mothers Gardens. Chris Maser, The Window of Our Cultural Soul. Marge Piercy, The Common Living Dirt. Susan Griffin, How the Forest Should Look. *Julia Smith Berrall, The Garden: In the Time of the Pharoahs. John Brookes, The Concept of the Paradise Garden. Mitchell Bring and Josse Wayem Bergh, Chinese Gardens. *Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Writing Assignments. 4. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Introduction: Science and Technology. *Student Essay: Ellen Salud, Sixty Feet Deep. Definitions and Cultural Contexts. Edward T. Hall, The Anthropology of Manners. Julius Robert Oppenheimer, The Scientist in Society. Anne Walton, Women Scientists: Are They Really Different? *Roald Hoffman, How Should Chemists Think? Albert Einstein, Religion and Science. Bertrand Russell, Religion and Science. *Raymond Dawson, Science and Chinas Influence on the World. John B. Christopher, Science in Islam. Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics. The Environment in Global Contexts. Rachel Carson, The Obligation to Endure. *Merete Rietveld, Mutant Bacteria and the Failure of Antibiotics. John W. Mellor, The Intertwining of Environmental Problems and Poverty. Peter H. Raven, Third World in a Global Future. *Jared Diamond, The Erosion of Civilization: The Fertile Crescents Fall Holds a Message for Todays Trouble Spots. *Edward O. Wilson, The Solution. War and Peace. Charles Darwin, The Action of Natural Selection. *George Simpson, Early Social Darwinism. Margaret Mead, Warfare: An Invention-Not a Biological Necessity. John Connor, The U.S. Was Right. Gar Alperovitz, The U.S. Was Wrong. Sidney Shalett, First Atomic Bomb Dropped on Japan. Suzanne H. Sankowsky, Mainstreams of World History. Keigo Takarazuki and Kazuo Kasahara, Progress in Japan. *Burton Bollag, A Confrontation With the Past: The Japanese Textbook Dispute. *Carl Sandburg, Men of Science Say Their Say. Race, Gender, and Oppression. Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Frank J. Provenzano, and Zella Luria, The Eye of the Beholder: Parents View on Sex of Newborns. Robert Brannon, Why Men Become Men, and Other Theories. Naomi Weisstein, Psychology Constructs the Female. Unni Wikan, The Xanith: A Third Gender Role? Writing Assignments. 5. RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. *Introduction: Religion and Philosophy. *Student Essay: Jill Jarvis, An Island Mosaic: Language, Religion, and Beauty in Sri Lanka. Definitions and Cultural Contexts. *Map, What the World Believes. *Chart, Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents. *Map, Overview of "Bibles" of the World. Winston King, Religion and Nothingness (Eastern and Western Views of Religion and Philosophy). *David Brooks, Kicking the Secularist Habit. Concepts of Creation. *China: Nu Kwa. India: Shakti. *Mesopotamia: Enuma Elish. The Middle East: Genesis. *Africa (Yoruban): The Descent from the Sky. *The Americas: The Iroquois Story of Creation. Foundations of Belief. The Eastern World. *Hinduism: Mundaka Upanishad (India). *John Jarvis, Introduction to Buddhism (India). *Ninian Smart and Richard D. Hecht, The Enlightenment of the Buddha: Buddharcarita (India). *Lao Tzu, The Sayings of Lao Tzu (China). William H. McNeil and Jean W. Sedlar, Introduction to Confucius (China). Confucius, The Analects (China). The Western World. Plato, The Allegory of the Cave (Greece). Chief Seattle, Environmental Statement (North America). *Fredrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (Germany). Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism (France). Paul Davies, Mystical Knowledge, from The Mind of God (England). The Middle East. Solomon, The Proverbs (Palestine). *Mission of Jesus: St. Matthew 10: 34-39 Sermon on the Mount: St. Matthew 5-7 (Palestine). *John B. Christopher, The Prophet, The Teachings of Islam, and The Quran (Arabia). *Kahlil Gibran, Religion, from The Prophet. Race, Gender, and Oppression. Riane Eisler, Our Lost Heritage: New Facts on How God Became a Man. Ninian Smart and Ralph D. Hecht, Women and the Order. Naila Minai, Women in Early Islam. *Sultana Yusufali, Why Do I Wear Hijab? War and Peace. *Karen Armstrong, from Fundamentalism and the Modern World. *Malise Ruthven, The Quranic World-view. *John Hall, Baptist Professors Dont See Islam as "Peaceful" Religion. *Zayn Kassam, Can a Muslim Be a Terrorist? Hermann Hesse, Brahmins Son, from Siddhartha. Rabindranath Tagore, False Religion. Voltaire, Of Universal Tolerance. *The Dalai Lama, Excerpts from A Simple Path and An Open Heart. Writing Assignments. *Denotes new to this edition.
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