Ionsugaras módszerek a fizikai nanotechnológiában (IONNANO) = Ion beam modifications in near-to-physics nanotechnology

Temavezeto: Gyulai Jozsef - SiO2 matrixban Si, Pd-Pt es SiC, valamint SiC-ben gyemant nanokristalyokat allitottunk elő es minősitettunk. - Szen nanocsoveket Ar+ ionokkal besugarozva, ponthibakat, kiemelkedő klasztereket es szuperstrukturakat figyeltunk meg. - Ellipszometriaval mertuk a sziliciumkarbidban ionimplantacioval letrejovő roncsoltsagot. - Az ionsugaras kutatasaink alapjan eljarast fejlesztettunk ki, amellyel kulon-kulon detektalhato a Si-, valamint a C-alracs karosodasa. - Ezzel sikerult megbecsulni a He ion c-tengelyi csatorna iranyu es random iranyu energiaveszteseg aranyat. - Optikai modelleket fejlesztettunk ferroelektromos anyagok meresere, valamint tovabbfejlesztettuk a racskarosodas ellipszometriai modelljet. - Extrem kis energiaju ionok folyamatainak kutatasa a porlasztast alkalmazo feluletvizsgalo modszerek kvantifikalasat celozta: - uj ionkeveredesi mechanizmust javaslunk biretegekre - Molekula-dinamikai szimulacionkat kiterjesztettuk tobb ion szukcessziv becsapodasanak a vizsgalatara a Ti/Pt kettősretegben. - Surlodo beesesnel a szen porlasztasi sebessege nagyobb, mint a femeke. - Keramiak nanoszerkezetenek modositasa temaban kiemelkedő eredmenyunknek tartjuk, hogy a vilagon elsőkent nekunk sikerult előallitani karbon nanocső - szilicium-nitrid kompozitot, amelyben a nanocsovek nem degradalodnak a szintereles soran. | Principal investigator: Gyulai Jozsef - Nanocrystals were prepared and characterized: Si in SiO2, Pd-Pt, SiC in Si, and diamond in SiC. - Argon ion irradiation of carbon nanotubes resulted in point defects, clusters and superstructures, as detected with atomic resolution AFM. - Ellipsometry proved itself as efficient method to study radiation damage in SiC. - New version of ion beam analysis applied to implanted SiC allowed us to detect the damage of the carbon and silicon sublattice separately - With defects as markers, ratio of channeled to random stopping power of He ions could be deduced. - Optical model was developed for ellipsometry allowing also characterization of ferroelectric (high-k) materials. - Modeling and experimental studies of damaging and sputtering processes at impact of extreme low-energy resulted in better quantification of surface analysis techniques (Auger profiling): - MC simulation of bilayers led us to a new model of ion beam mixing. - MD simulations were extended to multiple ion impact on Ti/Pt bilayers. - Sputtering coefficient of carbon was found (and modeled) to be higher than that of a metal for sputtering at glancing angle incidence. - Nanostructure of ceramic materials, firstly, of Si3N4, resulted in the first Si3N4-carbon nanotube nanocomposite, where the nanotubes will not degrade during high-temperature sintering.
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