Effect of argon-enriched modified atmosphere on the over quality and bioactive compounds of ready-to-use broccoli rabe (Brassica rapa sylvestris L. var. esculenta) during the storage.

This study evaluated the effect of argon-enriched modified atmosphere on the storage extension of ready-to-use broccoli rabe in leaf. Broccoli rabe samples (Brassica rapa sylvestris L. var. esculenta) were packaged in 90% argon and 10% O2 (modified atmosphere packaging 1); 80% argon, 10% CO2 and 10% O2 (modified atmosphere packaging 2) and evaluated for the physicochemical characteristics, microbiological parameters and bioactive compounds (glucosinolates) during the cold storage for 9 days. Results showed significant maintenance of colour, chlorophyll, phenols content and antioxidant activity in modified atmosphere packaging packages with respect to air control ones. An increasing biosynthesis of glucosinolates was observed in all packages to the inductive effect of CO2 produced; the amount of minerals unchanged during the storage. Overall appearance and odour evaluation pointed out a positive effect of argon atmospheres, in particular modified atmosphere packaging 1, for the keeping of the sensory attributes compared to those evaluated in air packaging.
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