Farmasötik Formülasyonlarda Allopurinol’ün Sıfırıncı Dereceden ve Birinci Dereceden Türev Spektrofotometrisi Yöntemleriyle Kantitatif Analizi

In this study, two different spectrophotometric methods, direct absorbance measurement method and first derivative spectrophotometry were proposed for the quantitative analysis of allopurinol in tablets. In the application of direct absorbance measurement to the analysis of allopurinol, calibration curve was obtained by measuring the absorbance values at 245.0 nm in the zero-order spectra. In first derivative method, calibration equation was computed by using the dA/dλ values at 257.6 nm. Linearity range for both methods were found between 4.0-36.0 μg/mL for the analysis of allopurinol. The proposed methods were checked by analyzing external test samples containing allopurinol and using standard addition samples. Analysis results showed that the applied methods were precise, accurate and reliable for the quantitation of the related drug.
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