Анализ компонентов противоожогового порошка наружного применения с 5-нитрофуралом и цитохромом с

The control quality methods of the powder for treatment of burn wounds, which contain cytochrome c, nitrofural, sodium ascorbate and zinc oxide have been developed. UV – and HPLC – analsizes of 5 nitrofural and sodium ascorbate were carried out by dissolving the powder in acetonitrile:buffer solution of pH 6 (υ/υ 27:73), and then removing the precipitate. The identification of 5-nitrofural was performed by UV – spectroscopy using the band λ = 375 nm, comparing this spectrum with that aci-salt (λ = 450 nm). RP-HPLC analysis (identification and assay) of 5-nitrofural and sodium ascorbate was carried out at λ = 310 nm and 254 nm, Column Discovery C18 (250×4,6 mm, 5 μm) in isocratic mode at t = 35 °C. The identification of cytochrome c was performed after dissolving powder in water, analyzing the visible range (λ = 410–415, 520, 550 nm). Iron assay in cytochrome c was performed by AAS 7000 after dissolving the powder in the nitric acid using a hollow cathode lamp with λ = 248,33 nm, in a gaseous argon medium. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of zinc oxide was performed by AAS after dissolving of the powder in nitric acid (hollow cathode lamp λ = 213,9 nm in a gaseous medium air-acetylene, 2,2 l min-1). The methods validation of the assay using such characteristic as the reproducibility, linearity and convergence of all the active ingredients was spend.
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