Correction by sodium nucleinate of immunologic disorders in patients with atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the lower limbs

: It is shown that sodium nucleinate applied in a complex with the generally accepted nonoperative therapy corrects the immune status of patients with atherosclerosis of the lower limb arteries in stage IIB circulatory disorders. The number of T-lymphocytes (45.2 +/- 1.22 before and 68.4 +/- 1.85 after treatment) and the percentage of B-lymphocytes (25.3 +/- 0.66 before and 19.3 +/- 0.66 after treatment) were normalized. The percentage of O-lymphocytes reduced 2.4 times, the number of T-lymphocytes sensitized to the arterial intima dropped to normal. The indices of humoral immunity improved: IgG reduced to the level encountered in healthy individuals, the level of circulating immune complexes reduced 2.23 times, the IgA concentration, however, remained just as low as before treatment. The indices of nonspecific immunity became normal: complement increased, the number of NST+ neutrophils reduced by half, the number and phagocytic activity of neutrophils significantly increased. In the group of patients who were given sodium nucleinate 18 had a good clinical effect.
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