Определение флавоноидов в цветках с листьями боярышника методом ВЭЖХ со спектрофотометрическим детектированием

A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) technique with UV spectrophotometric detection has been developed for simultaneous determination of rutinoside, hyperoside, vitexin, and quercetin isolated from Crataegus sanguinea hawthorn herbs (flowers and leaves). The calibration curves of flavonoids exhibit good linearity ( r 2 0.995). The intra- and inter-day recoveries were within 95.9 – 104.3/95.6 – 102.9% (vitexin), 94.0 – 102.2/93.5 – 101.5% (rutinoside), 98.0 – 102.2/97.5 – 102.9% (hyperoside), and 96.0 – 109.8/97.2 – 111.0% (quercetin). Intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy ( RSD ) were below than 3%. The relative error (e, %) of single determination for each flavonoid does not exceed 3% for rutin, hyperoside and vitexin and 4 % for quercetin (confidence level, 95%). The obtained results indicate that the proposed HPLC method can be successfully applied to the analysis of four flavonoids in hawthorn leaves and flowers.
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