Algorithms for the Determination of Spatial and Spectral Distribution of Electromagnetic Energy in a Simulated Biostructure Subjected to Transient Spatially Heterogeneous Radiation with Applications to Radar Hazard Assessment and Cancer Therapy

Abstract : There is concern that high power sources of electromagnetic radiation may cause physical harm to an exposed individual even when the frequencies are below those of X rays. Specifically concerns arise in the use of microwave equipment, radars, lasers, active imaging devices and transmitters. Early efforts to address this question considered total absorbed power and then local internal temperature increases; Computer algorithms to make these predictions were developed by USAF/SAM. Recently, as-equipment with small duty cycles and very high peak power have been developed, concerns over the effect of sweeping fields and electromagnetic transients oh biological-structures have arisen. The algorithm developed in this report has as its purpose a highly accurate benchmark code which will predict the response of an N layer bianisotropic spherical structure to multiple plane waves with different amplitudes, frequencies, polarizations, and directions of travel and full wave solutions involving all of the pm sub n. Bioelectromagnetics, hazard assessment, cancer therapy, bianisotropy, temperature prediction, full wave solutions, Mie like solution.
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