Design and implementation of automated regenerative braking of electric/hybrid electric vehicle

The hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) has become one of the most promising vehicles in the automobile industry due to its energy saving ability and low emission of harmful pollutants. An HEV can recover energy from the wheels, which had been wasted in the past, and reuse it to propel the vehicle at low speeds during high acceleration. The technology used depends on the goals set for the vehicle, which includes fuel efficiency, power, driving range, or reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed project deals with the design, fabrication and testing of control logic circuit for regenerative braking of hybrid electric vehicle, by using multi–quadrant DC chopper (MQDC) with MOSFETs acting as switches. Monostable multi–vibrator is being used for firing the MOSFETs. The triggering for monostable multi–vibrator is provided by using the square wave generator. Micro–processor is interfaced with hardware circuit to show various modes of HEV. To realise this logic, a dedicated software programme has been developed i...
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