Reflexes transcorticaux d'origine proprioceptive et epilepsie motrice

Summary The long-loop reflex involved in the triggering of paroxysmal activities by proprioceptive afferents is examined in monkeys with a chronic alumina focus and in cats with an acute penicillin focus. Electrical stimulation of a tibial nerve in monkeys as well as muscle stretch in cats elicit a cortical ‘evoked spike’, i.e., an evoked potential followed by an epileptic spike, accompanied by one or two motor bursts in the muscles concerned. With a very small acute focus, this transcortical reflex is shown to be quite topical: muscles in the vicinity are not affected. Relationships between evoked spike and myoclonic jerk are muscles in the vicinity are not affected. Relationships between evoked spike and myoclonic jerk are examined and it is shown that motor efferents usually follow the pyramidal tract. The concept of a transcortical reflex of proprioceptive origin is discussed on the basis of dota collected from these models.
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