Knowledge and Awareness on Methods, Duration and Frequency of Hand Wash

Aim:To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes towards hand washing methods and duration among the general population Introduction:Hand hygiene is now one of the most important  components of infection control.the act of cleaning one's hands to remove soil, grease, microorganisms or other unwanted substances. Hand washing with soap should be often done  throughout the day which prevents the spread of many diseases. Hand washing is the most simplest and effective measure to prevent the spread of germs . Materials and Methods: An online survey was conducted regarding the knowledge and awareness of hand wash methods, duration and techniques by the general population. The study was conducted from march to may ,2020.The questionnaire was uploaded in an online portal. The data collected  were statistically analysed using the latest software version SPSS. Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out and chi square test was  used and p value was calculated. Results: In this study ,about 89.9% are knowledgeable about the hand wash. Hand wash is playing a major role among the general public. 51.1% respondents washed hands with running water, only 12.4% - used hand sanitizer. 83.9% were aware about the technique given by WHO for hand hygiene. Statistical not significant differences (p value >0.05) were seen with respect to the duration of washing hands, awareness of WHO technique, importance of hand hygiene against COVID19, usage of alcohol based hand rub. Conclusion The present study shows that people have adequate knowledge about the method and techniques used for hand hygiene. Majority of the respondents are  aware about the technique given by WHO and follow the technique day to day life.
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