Permanens GPS állomások méréseinek szélső pontosságú analízise = Highly accurate data analysis of permanent GPS networks

A projekt fő celkitűzeset, a permanens GNSS allomashalozatok (, EPN, EUPOS) mozgasvizsgalati alkalmazhatosaganak analiziset sikeresen vegeztuk el. 2007 es 2009 juniusaban megmerettuk az MGGA (Magyar GPS Geodinamikai Alapponthalozat) 22 pontjat, elvegeztuk az adatok feldolgozasat es ertelmezeset, tovabba monitoring celjabol a BERNESE szoftverrel feldolgoztam a 35 hazai es 19 hataron tuli allomasanak tobb eves meresi sorozatat. A becsult sebessegek a varakozasoknak megfelelő 0-2 mm/ev szinten mozognak es osszhangban vannak az MGGA-ra alapozott eddigi GPS mozgasvizsgalati eredmenyekkel. Elemeztem a GPS koordinata idősorokban kimutathato evszakos hatasokat, azok fuggeset a halozat meretetől es osszehasonlito elemzeseket vegeztem a GPS megoldasok es a hidrologiai keregterhelesi, valamint a GRACE modellek kozott. Kimutattam, hogy minel kisebb a halozat, annal inkabb eltűnik az idősor harmonikus jeltartalma. Integralva, majd kozosen kiegyenlitve a globalis IGS es regionalis EPN heti SINEX adatokat bizonyitottam, hogy csak a globalis ill. 'globalizalt' halozat alkalmas az evszakos hatasok vizsgalatara. Kidolgoztam es az EPN-ben hivatalossa tettem egy a permanens allomasokat a becsult sebessegek konvergenciaja alapjan minősitő eljarast, (, amelyet sikerrel alkalmaztam a halozatra is. | The main project target, the assessment of the permanent GNSS networks (, EPN, EUPOS) for geokinematic purposes has been successfully completed. In June 2007 and 2009 the MGGA (Hungarian GPS Geodynamic Base Network) GPS campaigns were successfully completed, and the results were analysed and interpreted. All available data from the sites were also processed. The estimated velocities are in the range of 0-2 mm/year and in good agreement with estimates from the MGGA analysis. The seasonal signal in the different GPS time series was also analysed with special regard on it's dependence of the actual GPS network size. The estimates were compared to models from surface load and GRACE solutions. I concluded that the smaller the network the smaller the detectable annual signal. Integrating the global IGS and regional EPN weekly SINEX solutions I could prove that only the global or 'globalized' network can be used for realistic seasonal signal analysis. I developed a procedure, which can be used to rank the permanent stations using the convergence of their velocity estimates. The solution was made official in the EPN ( and also successfully applied for the categorization of the sites.
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