Mad dephosphorylation at the nuclear envelope is essential for asymmetric stem cell division

Stem cell niche signals act over a short range so that only stem cells but not the differentiating daughter cells receive the self-renewal signals. Drosophila female germline stem cells (GSCs) are maintained by short range BMP signaling; BMP ligands Dpp/Gbb activate receptor Tkv to phosphorylate Mad (phosphor-Mad or pMad) which accumulates in the GSC nucleus and activates the stem cell transcription program. pMad is highly concentrated in the nucleus of the GSC, but is immediately downregulated in the nucleus of the pre-cystoblast (preCB), a differentiating daughter cell, that is displaced away from the niche. Here we show that this asymmetry in the intensity of pMad is formed even before the completion of cytokinesis. A delay in establishing the pMad asymmetry leads to germline tumors through conversion of differentiating cells into a stem cell-like state. We show that a Mad phosphatase Dullard (Dd) interacts with Mad at the nuclear pore, where it may dephosphorylate Mad. A mathematical model explains how an asymmetry can be established in a common cytoplasm. It also demonstrates that the ratio of pMad concentrations in GSC/preCB is highly sensitive to Mad dephosphorylation rate. Our study reveals a previously unappreciated mechanism for breaking symmetry between daughter cells during asymmetric stem cell division.
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