Особенности ледяного покрова в районе полуострова Ломоносова (залив петра Великого)

On the basis of the analysis of historical database of ice observation, archive of satellite images and the in situ ice coating measurements, the features of an ice cover of the Amur Bay near the Lomonosov Peninsula, including the Bays Perevoznaya and Narva are investigated. In the conditions of winter monsoon in the south half of the Amur Bay during the whole season the ice of various age and forms drift. Average speed of drift is about 0.3 m/s, the maximum registered size of floating ice is 20 km2 and thickness more than 0.3 m. The Lomonosov Peninsula is a natural obstacle to floating ice therefore in the Perevoznaya Gulf there are strong rafting and hummocking. Such deformation processes in ice cover poses serious threat for navigation and coastal infrastructure. Construction of various berthing, bulk and other facilities near the Lomonosov Peninsula will lead to intensification of hummocking and rafting in the central part of the Amur Bay and may seriously change the type of ice behavior in the whole Bay.
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