Some Hematologic Parameters of Blood Donors at the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS), Jos, Nigeria

Introduction: A blood donor is expected to be a healthy individual who donates his or her blood for the medical treatment of patients. World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that only those with good health status should be accepted as blood donors. Full blood count is a standard haematology test that evaluates a blood sample for a variety of basic parameters and partly applicable in the general screening of health. Normal haemoglobin level is one of the requirements for blood donor suitability. Normal haemoglobin alone does not connote normalcy of other haematologic variables. The full blood count of blood donors may reveal other blood measurements that may contribute to the better assessment of donors and standardisation of blood donor selection.Aim: This research is aimed to evaluate some haematological parameters of assumingly healthy volunteer blood donors at the NBTS (National Blood Transfusion Service), in Jos, Plateau State.Methods: A total of 102 potential healthy blood donors from Jos City and Du Village participated in the study. We obtained 2.5 ml of venous blood aseptically from each donor into an EDTA container and mixed. The full blood counts of the samples were all analysed. The values gotten were subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS version 23 software.Results: The packed cell volume (PCV), total and differential white blood cell counts and platelet count were significantly different compared to local reference ranges. Further, evaluation of the parameters between genders, locations, age groups and occupations of donors, the platelet, PCV and eosinophil counts differed significantly (p=0.042, 0.00 and 0.029 respectively). The average white blood cells (WBC) count was lower among donors in the rural area (p=0.000).Conclusion: There may be a significant number of apparently healthy blood donors with abnormal haematologic parameters. Full blood count should be included in evaluating blood donors to ensure blood and donor safety.
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