Intensity Heterosis Effect in Sguash Cucurbita Pepo l.conv. Giromontia alef.

In order to establish heterosis the squash, advanced homozygous lines were created, on contrasting characters studied. The Cucurbits were among the first vegetable species whereat hybrid seed was commercially produced (Borghi, 1971). In Cucurbits it can be use the F2 generation seed without recrossing to manual pollination with the condition that the genitors have similar characters that are important for the consumers. Five lines were obtained that were included in diallel crosses, a program to determine the specific combination ability. Through multiple comparisons method the 15 genotypes were grouped into six groups in which no significant differences. Studied hybrids exceeded both genitors and best genitor in terms of yeld capacity, surpassed by differences statistically very significant. Heterosis, complex biological phenomenon, was manifested in all hybrid combinations what was studied, consagvinizate used as genitors lines were different in terms of the characters analyzed, enabling the body assembly of a complex hybrid of useful traits. The significance of differences was determined by analysis of variance (Ceapoiu, 1968). It was calculate the limit differences and was applied the multiple comparison method (Duncan test). Analysis of variance for studied character it has showed that between the genotype are semnificative differences: F value (that has been calculate 44.86 it’s bigger that theoretical F value.
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