Regionális tektonikai sebességtérkép Közép Európában = A regional tectonic velocity map in Central Europe

A projekt celja egy regionalis tektonikai sebessegterkep keszitese volt melynek soran integraltuk a hosszabb idő ota Magyarorszagon, valamint Kozep-Europaban nemzetkozi egyuttműkodesben folytatott GPS geodinamikai vizsgalatok eredmenyeit. Korabban 1991-ben illetve 1994-ben letrehoztak a szelső pontossagu GPS meresekre alkalmas magyar, valamint kozep-europai geodinamikai alappont-halozatokat (HGRN,CEGRN). A projekt tamogatasaval ezeken a halozatokon tovabbi nagy precizitasu GPS meresek tortentek 2003-ban es 2005-ben. Feldolgozasuk a szelső pontossagu BERNESE halozati tudomanyos szoftverrel tortent. A kiertekeles a korabban kapott eredmenyekre is megtortent, ezaltal immar 14 illetve 11 eves meressorokhoz jutottunk. A meresi pontossag horizontalisan 1,5 mm-nek vertikalisan 4,5 mm-nek adodott. Az alkalmazott legkori modellek es feldolgozasi modszerek javitasaval sikerult a vertikalis komponensek pontossagat javitani. A GPS meresi sorozatok kiertekelese eredmenyekeppen a projekt soran egyre megbizhatobb HGRN es CEGRN sebessegvektorokhoz jutottunk egy "kontinensen beluli - intraplate" vonatkozasi rendszerben. A horizontalis sebessegvektorok hibaja atlagosan kisebb, mint 1 mm/ev. Ezaltal sikerult a pontok altal lefedett terulet tektonikai sebessegviszonyait minden eddigit meghalado pontossaggal felterkepezni. Ezzel nem csak szamos korabbi foldtudomanyi hipotezist sikerult alatamasztanunk, vagy pontositanunk, hanem tobb uj es meglepő kovetkeztetesre is jutottunk. | The main objective of the project was to construct a regional tectonic velocity map by reprocessing the earlier GPS geodynamic monitoring data in Hungary as well as in the Central European region. In 1991 the Hungarian GPS reference network (HGRN) and in 1994 the Central European reference network (CEGRN) were established and monitored for geodynamic investigations. With the support of the project two additional monitoring measurement campaigns were carried out in 2003 and in 2005. The data processing was completed with the BERNESE software package. The processing and the analysis took also the earlier measurements into consideration, consequently 14 years; respectively 11 years time series were obtained on these networks. The horizontal accuracy achieved was better than 1.5 mm and the vertical accuracy was better than 4.5 mm for the whole network area. Due to the improved atmospheric models and processing methods, the vertical accuracy could also be improved. The longer time base led to more accurate velocity vectors of the HGRN and CEGRN sites. Consequently we were able to construct a highly reliable intraplate velocity map of the region. The horizontal accuracy of the vectors is better than 1 mm/yr. The investigations provided some surprising new results and supported some earlier assumptions concerning the tectonic activities in our region.
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