Evaluation of body fat composition in Brazilian women by anthropometry, bioimpedance and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry Avaliação da gordura corporal em mulheres brasileiras por antropometria, bioimpedância e absortometria radiológica de...

This study was designed to evaluate and compare the percentage of body fat (% BF) in women with % BF over 30% by three different methods: skinfolds (SKF), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). In addition, the behavior of quantitative variables such as body mass index (BMI) and DXA was evaluated. Twenty-eight volunteers who averaged 27.7 years old, 76.2 kg, 1.63 m tall and with a BMI of 28.5 kg/m² participated in this study. The assessment of body fat by DXA, SKF and BIA gave means of 44.1%, 39.8% and 34.3%, respectively. The BMI data, used to classify obesity, ranged from 22.22 to 37.5 kg/ m². Statistical differences were found among the values obtained using the three methods (P
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