Identifikasi bawah permukaan tanah berdasarkan sifat perambatan gelombang menggunakan metode downhole seismik dan uji SPT (Standard Penetring Test) di Pantai Selatan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

The subsurface identification based on wave propagation properties using the downhole seismic method as a geophysical parameter by utilizing S wave analysis to obtain Vs shear wave velocity and the Standard Penetrating Test SPT as a geological parameter. This research was carried out on the southern coast of the Special Region of Yogyakarta to test soil hardness as the beginning of the building structure design. The acquisition of the downhole seismic method uses hammers, seismographs, triaxial geophones, trigger geophone and drill tools by processing P and S wave data from identical data, while the SPT test uses penetration tubes with a number of punch parameters at each depth. Data retrieval is done on three drill borhole (BH) which are then correlated between Vs and SPT values. The results obtained from each drill hole Vsaverage and SPTaverage, respectively BH16 by 336.144 m / s and 23.43, BH20 by 341.864 m / s and 43.49 and BH28 by 349.999 m / s and by 47 , 86 with an average type of soil layer in the form of fine sand to rough brown to black which is medium or hard. From these two methods, it was found that the soil (SD) classification was based on the earthquake priority factor of seismic response spectra of 1.495 which was included in category four. This category can establish important infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and others in the study area with a probability of building collapse of 2% in 50 years
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