Improving Polarimetric C-Band Radar Rainfall Estimation with Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer Observations in Eastern China

AbstractIn this study, the capability of using a C-band polarimetric Doppler radar and a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) to estimate monsoon-influenced summer rainfall during the Observation, Prediction and Analysis of Severe Convection of China (OPACC) field campaign in 2014 and 2015 in eastern China is investigated. Three different rainfall R estimators, for reflectivity at horizontal polarization [R(Zh)], for reflectivity at horizontal polarization and differential reflectivity factor [R(Zh, Zdr)], and for specific differential phase [R(KDP)], are derived from 2-yr 2DVD observations of summer precipitation systems. The radar-estimated rainfall is compared to gauge observations from eight rainfall episodes. Results show that the two polarimetric estimators, R(Zh, Zdr) and R(KDP), perform better than the traditional Zh–R relation [i.e., R(Zh)]. The KDP-based estimator [i.e., R(KDP)] produces the best rainfall accumulations. The radar rainfall estimators perform differently across the three organ...
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