Positive Mixed lymphocyte Culture Test Result Due to HLA-DP Mismatch

Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT). The MLC assay has been generally accepted as a standard test for determining HLA-D region compatibility. In this study, the MLC test has been carried out on the related recipient-donor couple who were prepared for allogeneic SCT and were found to be matched for HLA-A, -B, -Cw, DR, DQ but not for -DP. The result of the MLC test was positive. We observed that HLA-DP mismatch was responsible for the increased proliferation values in MLC test. Graft Versus Host Hastaligi (GVHH) allojeneik kok hucre nakli (KHN) seyrinde halen onemli bir morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Mikst lenfosit kultur (MLC-Karisik Lenfosit Kultur) testi, genellikle HLA- D bolge uyumunu saptayan standart bir test olarak kabul edilir. Bu calismada allojeneik KHNa#39;ne hazirlanan ve HLA-A, -B, -Cw, -DR, -DQ lokuslari uyumlu ve -DP lokusu uyumsuz olan akraba hasta -verici ciftine MLC testi yapilmistir. Test sonucu pozitif olarak saptanmis ve HLA-DP farkliliginin MLC testindeki proliferasyon degerlerindeki artislardan sorumlu oldugu gozlemlenmistir.
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