Quantification of Sq parameters in 2008 based on geomagnetic observatory data

Abstract The paper presents an investigation of the time-dependent parameters of the solar quiet daily (Sq) variation for the minimum of the solar cycle 23/24 in 2008. We apply ”Measure of Anomalousness” algorithm to detection of the magnetically quiet days. Global distribution of Sq amplitudes of the three orthogonal magnetic field components is analyzed using one-year data from 75 INTERMAGNET geomagnetic observatories and 46 SuperMAG stations. The study reveals strong latitudinal dependence of the Sq(X) amplitudes, which is approximated by the sixth-order polynomial trend curve. Sq(Y) amplitudes also suggest latitudinal dependence, while no significant difference is found in the Sq(Z) amplitudes across all latitudes. In the equatorial region, Sq(X) amplitudes are strongly affected by the equatorial electrojet (EEJ), having maxima during equinoctial seasons in the region of the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly (SAA). Sq(Y) demonstrates clear dependence on solar activity and amount of solar illumination, as the Sq(Y) amplitudes are typically greater in the summer-hemisphere and smaller in the winter-hemisphere. We analyze equivalent Sq current system using observatory data from the Australian mainland and narrow European-African latitudinal segment. Sq current system also strongly depends on solar activity, as the current vortices in the winter-hemisphere disintegrate showing no trace of Sq current loops’ formation, while the current vortices become evident in the summer-hemisphere.
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