Increased feeding damage under elevated Co2: The case of the Russian wheat aphid

Abstract We report the results of a baseline study on the effects of Russian wheat aphid infestation on barley lines grown under ambient and elevated (450 and 550 μmol mol − 1 ) CO 2 concentrations [CO 2 ]. Elevated CO 2 impacted on plant biomass, C:N ratios and leaf nitrogen concentrations. Visible manifestation of aphid feeding related damage was assessed by examining resultant chlorosis and leaf roll under ambient and two elevated [CO 2 ] levels using a control and three resistant barley host combinations. Elevated [CO 2 ] had a significant positive effect on the growth of the four barley lines that were not infested by the aphids. However under the same conditions aphid feeding under elevated CO 2 conditions caused very high biomass loss, which was more noticeable in experiments involving non-resistant PUMA than in the resistant barley lines. The results of this study demonstrate that CO 2 enrichment substantially increases aphid populations of RWASA1 and RWASA2 on the four barley lines investigated. Furthermore, aphid populations were higher on non-resistant PUMA than the three resistant lines and the RWASA2 biotype out-performed RWASA1 in each case. Under elevated [CO 2 ], aphid feeding, resulted in a significant increase in the leaf C:N ratios (as a percentage change) in most treatments, compared to levels recorded on uninfested plants. The resistant lines also showed a significant reduction in leaf nitrogen (~ 40% for PUMA and not less than 30% for the resistant STARS lines tested). C:N ratio changes and N loss correlated to [CO 2 ] and aphid biotype. By 28 days of infestation, most of the non-resistant PUMA line in particular showed significant irrecoverable levels of leaf chlorosis. At level 9 rating on the chlorosis scale (i.e. plant death when recovery was not possible), experiments were terminated. As aphid success is unlikely to be the sole product of [CO 2 ], but also of other limiting nutrients such as N, it may be worth further investigating the effect of plant quality and ultimately plant nutrition on the population growth of aphids.
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