A földforgásvektor kölcsönhatása geodinamikai folyamatokkal = Interference of the Earth rotation vector and geodynamical phenomena

Munkank a Mac-Cullagh es a Euler-Liouville egyenleteken alapul. A geodinamikai jelensegeket dekadalis es foldtani időintervallumokban vizsgaltuk. A dekadalis intervallumok kutatasanak eredmenyei:1) a foldrengesek nem hatnak a Foldforgas sebessegre, viszont a naphossz valtozasok hatnak a szeizmikus aktivitas időbeli eloszlasara. 2) a polusmozgasra kidolgozott modellunkkel megmutattuk: a chilei foldrenges 1.3m poluselmozdulast keltett. A Szumatrai foldrenges 17 cm-el mozdithatta el a polusokat. 3) a foldmagneses excentrikus dipolikus ter komponensek időbeli valtozasai kapcsolatosak a naphossz valtozasokkal. A foldtani ertelemben vett időszakok kutatasa teren: 1) a naphossz novekedese kisebb volt a Fanerozoikum előtt, mint alatta, ez nem fugg a foldmag fejlődestől, bolygonk oceanokkal valo fedettsegenek valtozasaval all kapcsolatban. 2) az arapaysurlodas hat a tektonikai lemezek mozgasara, a tektonikai mozgato energiak: akreacios a mag kialakulasakor keletkező energia, radioaktiv bomlas, foldrenges es arapaly surlodas. 3) az Enceladus hidrotermalis vulkani tevekenyseget a Fold eseteben bevalt matematikai apparatust alkalmazva magyaraztuk: a Szaturnus gravticacios hatasa, az Enceladus megfigyelt palya lapultsaga eseten, kepes jeg kopenyet kopenyet ~ 3x10^8 ev alatt 270 K fokra melegiteni. Igy megmagyarazhato e Szaturnusz hold meglepő tektonikai aktivitasa.4) A foldmagneses ter erő 3.5x10^9 ev alatt ~50%-t nőtt. | Our research is based on Mac-Cullagh and Euler-Liouville equations. The geodynamical phenomena were investigated in case of decadal and geological time-intervals. Results for decadal intervals: 1) earthquakes are not influencing the Earth?s rotation, while length of day variations are acting on temporal distribution of seismic activity. 2) with the use of our model of polar motions we showed: the Chilean earthquake generated 1.3 m polar shift. The Sumatra earthquake caused 17 cm displacement of earth poles. 3) The temporal variations of components of eccentric geomagnetic dipole are correlated with changes in length of day. Results for geological time intervals: 1) the increase in length of day was smaller prior to Phanerozoic than during it. This phenomenon is not connected with accretion of the Earth's core; it is a consequence of variation in oceanic coverage of the surface of our planet. 2) Tidal friction is influencing the plate motion, the plate moving energies are: accretion, core formation, radioactive decay, earthquake energy and tidal friction . 3) Hydrothermal volcanism of Enceladus was explained with the use of mathematical tools applied for the Earth. It was shown that in case of observed orbital eccentricity of Enceladus the gravitational effect caused by Saturn can heat up the icy mantle of Enceladus to 270 K in ~ 3x10^8yr. This way the volcanism of this Saturn moon can be explained. 4) The intensity of geomagnetic field increased by 50% during 3.5x10^9yr.
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