Excitation-energy dependence of solvation dynamics in room-temperature ionic liquids.

Influence of the excitation energy of a probe solute molecule on its solvation dynamics and emission spectrum in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (EMI+PF6−) is studied via molecular dynamics simulations using a coarse-grained model description. By exciting the probe at different energies, each with an extremely narrow distribution, ensuing solvent relaxation and its dynamic variance are monitored using the isoconfigurational ensemble method. Resulting Stokes shift function, S(t), indicates that long-time solvent relaxation becomes slower with the decreasing excitation energy and approaches the equilibrium correlation function, C(t), of solvent fluctuations. This suggests that the system excited at the red-edge of the spectrum observes linear response better than that at the blue-edge. A detailed analysis of nonequilibrium trajectories shows that the effect of initial configurations on variance of relaxation dynamics is mainly confined to short times; it reaches a maximum around 0.1 ≲ t ≲ 1 ...
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