Progress in antimicrobial proteins derived from plants and its application research in agriculture.

Plants produce some antimicrobial proteins and peptide in order to resist the attack of exogenous species.There is a diversity of antimicrobial proteins existing in nature,and most of them are antifungal proteins.Plant antifungal proteins can be classified into different groups on the basis of its structure,mechanism and sequence characteristics,comprising pathogenesis-related proteins,cyclophilin-like proteins,defensins and defensin-like proteins,lectins,ribosome-inactivating proteins,lipid transfer proteins,protease inhibitors and 2S albumins proteins.As the separation and purification of the antifungal proteins of plants,and the breakthrough of gene engineering of plant disease resistance,these proteins show its broad application prospects in plants resistance against fungal pathogens and insect.The author summarized the research progress of plant antifungal protein,and described the application study and prospect of the insect resistance and transgenic aspects in agriculture.
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