Corrigendum to “Endocrine controls of primary adult human stem cell biology: Thyroid hormones stimulate keratin 15 expression, apoptosis, and differentiation in human hair follicle epithelial stem cells in situ and in vitro” [Eur. J. Cell Biol. (2010) 769–777]

The authors regret that in the above mentioned paper, they had failed to clearly point out that some of the presented control data re identical with controls they had shown in their previous paper (Tiede et al., Stem Cells 27 (2009) 2793–2803). The older paper had stablished the basic methodology (i.e. keratin 15 promoter-driven GFP expression in human hair follicles) on which the subsequent paper s based. Both papers report different aspects of one study that had originally been submitted for publication as a single manuscript. In view f the large mass of presented data, they later decided to publish the basic methodology (Stem Cells 2009) separately from its practical ndocrinological application (effects of thyroid hormones on keratin15+ human progenitor cells: EJCB 2010). Since these experiments had een run together, selected controls evidently were identical and had to be documented in both papers. This explains why Fig. 1b (control), Fig. 2a (control, “non-treated”) and Fig. 3a (control, “non-treated”) from Tiede et al., EJCB 2010 eproduce the baseline values for K15 activity in Fig. 2A, colony-forming efficiency in Fig. 5B, and relative colony frequency/area in suplementary Fig. S2 in Tiede et al., Stem Cells 2009, respectively. The control values for Ki-67, TUNEL and % viability of ORS keratinocytes hown in Fig. 4a,b,d (Tiede et al., EJCB 2010) are reproduced from the corresponding values shown in Fig. 6C,D,E in Tiede et al., Stem Cells 009. In Fig. 1f (Tiede et al., EJCB 2010), the definition of “upper part”, “middle part”, and “lower part” for K15 control corresponds to the efinition of “lower hair follicle”, “upper hair follicle”, and “hair bulb” in Fig. 3C in Tiede et al., Stem Cells 2009. They also noted an inversion error in the legend of Fig. 1. The correct legend text reads: ig. 1e: Relative intensity of GFP fluorescence of T3/T4 untreated and treated transfected and organ-cultured HFs. Data represent the mean ± SEM of three ndependent experiments. ig. 1f: Quantitative RT-PCR of K14, K15 and GFP in comparison to the housekeeping gene rS26 of K15-GFP construct transfected and organ-cultured HFs under T3/T4 reatment. The data represent the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments.
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