Viral vectors for cancer immunotherapy.

Abstract 35. J. L. Marshall, R. J. Hoyer, M. A. Toomey, K.Faraguna, P. Chang, E. Richmond, J. E. Pedicano, E.Gehan, R. A. Peck, P. Arlen, K. Y. Tsang & J. Schlom:Phase I study in advanced cancer patients of a diversifiedprime- and-boost vaccination protocol using recombinantvaccinia virus and recombinant nonreplicating avipox virusto elicit anti-carcinoembryonic antigen immune responses. J. Clin. Oncol . 18(23), 3964-3973 (2000)36. H. L. Kaufman, W. Wang, J. Manola, R. S. DiPaola, Y.J. Ko, C. Sweeney, T. L. Whiteside, J. Schlom, G. Wilding& L.M. Weiner: Phase II randomized study of vaccinetreatment of advanced prostate cancer (E7897): a trial ofthe Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. J Clin. Oncol .22(11), 2122-2132 (2004)37. S. A. Rosenberg, J. C. Yang, D. J. Schwartzentruber, P.Hwu, S. L. Topalian, R. M. Sherry, N. P. Restifo, J. R.Wunderlich, C. A. Seipp, L. Rogers-Freezer, K. E. Morton,S. A. Mavroukakis, L. Gritz, D. L. Panicali & D. E. White:Recombinant fowlpox viruses encoding the anchor-
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