Psychosocial Overview of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Preliminary Study in the Chemical Process Industry

Health problems cause the greatest amount of disability in Indonesia (GBD, 2016). The top two causes are lower back and neck pain. The factors that cause Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) include physical, individual, psychosocial, occupational, and environmental factors. The aim of this study was to perform a preliminary overview to look at the relationship between psychosocial factors and MSDs in the chemical process industry. A questionnaire instrument was completed by 43 male workers in the chemical process industry in Cilegon, Indonesia. A psychosocial risk factor analysis was used to evaluate the consequences of MSDs felt by workers in the last 12 months at work. Lisrel software output, in the form of validity and reliability test results, was based on the value of Standardized Loading Factor (SLF), t-value and Construct Reliability (CR) value, Variance Extracted (VE) value, and useful index. R2 coefficient values were based on observed variables, including counter variables on the welfare of subordinates (64%), appreciation for suggestions (64%), work completion (54%), success in building teamwork (70%), and ability to obtain work satisfaction (51%). MSDs factors are related to body parts, such as shoulder (82%), upper back (92%), knee (72%), and ankle (51%).
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