Orbital cutting and welding of stainless steel tubes with a fiber laser

Orbital welding is used in pipeline manufacturing and prefabrication, most common welding processes are semiautomatic GTA-, GMA- and GMA-tandem but also MMA welding is still in use. These traditional welding processes have limitations concerning welding speed and penetration. Modern laser technology allows the use of high power with small focal point, which results in deep penetration and high welding speed. Modern solid state lasers generate a beam with wavelength around 1 µm which can be transported with a flexible optical fibre. This simplifies the beam delivery in comparison to older CO2 laser technology. With a modern solid state laser it is possible to perform cutting and welding with the same laser and change of the processing head can be done relatively fast. Orbital system with possibility to use two processing heads can perform joint edge cutting as well as welding with a single laser source and with same orbital tractor. This could improve weld quality and decrease cycle time in tube to tube we...
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