Identification and Differential Expression of Two Thioredoxin h Isoforms in Germinating Seeds from Pea

The NADPH/NADP-thioredoxin (Trx) reductase (NTR)/Trx system (NTS) is a redox system that plays a posttranslational regulatory role by reducing protein targets involved in crucial cellular processes in microorganisms and animals. In plants, the system includes several h type Trx isoforms and has been shown to intervene in reserve mobilization during early seedling growth of cereals. To determine whether NTS was operational during germination of legume seeds and which Trx h isoforms could be implicated, Trx h isoforms expression was monitored in germinating pea (Pisum sativum cv Baccara) seeds, together with the amount of NTR and NADPH. Two new isoforms were identified: Trx h3, similar to the two isoforms already described in pea but not expressed in seeds; and the more divergent isoform, Trx h4. Active recombinant proteins were produced in Escherichia coli and used to raise specific antibodies. The expression of new isoforms was analyzed at both mRNA and protein levels. The lack of correlation between mRNA and protein abundances suggests the occurrence of posttranscriptional regulation. Trx h3 protein amount remained constant in both axes and cotyledons of dry and imbibed seeds but then decreased 2 d after radicle protrusion. In contrast, Trx h4 was only expressed in axes of dry and imbibed seeds but not in germinated seeds or in seedlings, therefore appearing as closely linked to germination. The presence of NTR and NADPH in seeds suggests that NTS could be functional during germination. The possible role of Trx h3 and h4 in this context is discussed.
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