Electrochemical properties of boron–carbon–nitride films formed by magnetron sputtering

Abstract The electrochemical behavior of B 1.0 C 2.4 N 1.0 thin film was investigated in acidic, neutral and alkaline solutions. The anodic polarization curve of the film in 1 M NaOH showed the anodic dissolution of the film. The curve of the film in 1 M HCl showed no anodic dissolution. The cathodic polarization curve in 1 M NaCl showed shift to a negative potential side, but the anodic polarization curve was the same as that of Pt. The anodic dissolution in 1 M NaOH depended on potentials, that is, no anodic dissolution was recognized in a potential range of −0.2 to 0.1 V but the dissolution rate increased with increasing potential in a range of 0.1–0.6 V. The anodic current density of the film is directly proportional to the dissolution rate at potentials higher than 0.1 V. The dissolution rate of the film was increased with increasing solution pH.
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