Deactivation of singlet molecular oxygen by organo-selenium compounds exhibiting glutathione peroxidase activity and by sulfur-containing homologs

The bimolecular rate constants (k) of quenching of molecular singlet oxygen 1O2 (1DLg) by organo-seleniura compounds exhibiting glutathione peroxidase activity and by sulfur analogs have been determined by time resolved phosphorescence detection of 1O2 in CD3OD and C6D6, with no solvent effect. The rate constants of quenching by the Se-containing compounds were found to be approximately one order of magnitude higher than those of the S-containing homologs. A linear correlation was observed between log k and the Hammett constant σortho with p = -0.89, the rate constant being higher for molecules with an electron-donating substituent and lower for those with an electron-withdrawing substituent. This observation is consistent with the involvement of a charge transfer complex in the deactivation of singlet oxygen.
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