Diagnose und Embryologie partieller Lungenvenenfehlmündungen - Review und Kasuistik zweier erwachsener Patienten -

In Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage one or more pulmonary veins are not connected with left atrium, but drain into systemic circulation or right atrium. The clinical signs of the shunt between pulmonary and systemic circulation increase during lifetime, thus the abnormality gets late or not diagnosed. Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage is a developmental disorder, according to embryogenesis we recommend a classification of this abnormality. Two case reports are given to illustrate difficulties in diagnosis of this relatively common abnormality. A diagnostic standard of assessment of pulmonary venous disorders is discussed. The "Gold Standard" of selective pulmonary Angiography in combination with oxygen measurement is widely used for diagnosis of Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage. In the future improvement and common use of modern cross sectional imaging techniques will redefine the value of conventional Angiography.
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