Increase in tetrahydrobiopterin concentration with aging in the cerebral cortex of the senescence-accelerated mouse prone 10 strain caused by abnormal regulation of tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis

6R-l-Erythro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is an essential cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity and is a risk factor for cognitive decline and brain atrophy. Previous studies have shown that the decline in TH activity in the cerebral cortex of senescence-accelerated mouse prone 10 (SAMP10) mice is caused, at least in part, by a decrease in Fe, ferritin, and TH phosphorylation. We determined the concentrations of BH4 and the enzymes GTP cyclohydrolase-1,6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase and sepiapterin reductase (SPR) in the de novo pathway of BH4 biosynthesis. Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which converts BH2 to BH4 in the salvage pathway of BH4 synthesis was also determined in the cerebral cortex of SAM mice at 3 and 12 months of age. The BH4 concentration was measured by HPLC, and the protein levels of enzymes involved in BH4 synthesis were measured by western blot analysis. At 12 months of age, BH4 concentration in the cerebral cortex of SAMP10 mice showed significantly higher values as compared to that of control mice. Further, the protein level of SPR in SAMP10 mice was significantly higher than that in SAMR1 mice at 3 and 12 months of age. In contrast to SPR, the protein level of DHFR in SAMP10 mice was significantly lower than that in SAMR1 mice. These results indicate that abnormal regulation of BH4 metabolism occurs in the cerebral cortex of SAMP10 where the dysfunction of the salvage pathway of BH4 synthesis may cause overproduction of BH4 through the de novo pathway, which is considered characteristic in the cerebral cortex of SAMP10 with aging. Therefore, there is a possibility that the excess amounts of BH4 lead to age-related brain dysfunction in the cerebral cortex of SAMP10.
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