Silicone deposition in reconstruction scars of women with silicone breast implants

Abstract Background: The possible association of silicone breast implants and disease is a subject of continuous debate and concern. Objective: Our purpose was to examine microscopically and ultrastructurally the periprosthetic fibrous capsules and reconstruction scars of women with silicone breast implants. Methods: Representative samples from the periprosthetic capsules and reconstruction scars from six women with silicone breast implants were examined by a variety of light microscopy techniques, transmission electron microscopy, and electron probe microanalysis. Results: Silicone globules of various sizes were identified in every periprosthetic capsule and reconstruction scar. Conclusion: Extrusion and seeding of the incision tract during surgery most likely accounts for the presence of silicone in the reconstruction scar specimens. This observation suggests that the identification of silicone in the reconstruction scars of women with silicone breast implants does not necessarily implicate rupture of the silicone breast implant with systemic dissemination of silicone gel.
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