Characteristics, classification and management of aridisols of Punjab

Morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of Aridisols occurring on two dominant landscape positions viz., inter-dunal areas and alluvial terraces in the south-west Punjab have been investigated. The soils developed on inter-dunal areas are coarse textured, calcareous, and show the development of a structural B horizon and are classified as Ustic Haplocambids. On the other hand, soils developed on alluvial terraces are relatively finer in texture, calcareous to non-calcareous and show the development of cambic and calcic horizons and are classified as Ustic Haplocambids and Typic Haplocalcids. All the soils have mixed mineralogy and hyperthermic temperature regimes. Topography, along with nature of parent material and time were found to be responsible for the pedogenic differences in the soils developed on different landforms within the comparable climatic conditions. Mineralogical, physical and chemical properties and land use limitations of these soils are discussed. Low and erratic rainfall is the major constraint for sustaining crop growth. Poor quality underground irrigation water further limits the selection of crops. Regular failure of cotton crop in these areas due to waterlogging and availability of good quality canal water, has led to large scale shift in cropping pattern from cotton-wheat to rice–wheat. Use of underground saline water for sustaining paddy growth is increasing surface salinity in these areas.
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