Gene regulatory network (GRN) embedded agents connect cellular decision making to human pluripotent stem cell derived germ layer-like pattern formation

The emergence of germ layers in embryos during gastrulation is a key developmental milestone. How morphogenetic signals engage the regulatory networks responsible for early embryonic tissue patterning is incompletely understood. To understand this, we developed a gene regulatory network (GRN) model of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) lineage commitment and embedded it into cellular agents that respond to a dynamic signalling microenvironment. We found that cellular pattern order, composition, and dynamics were predictably manipulable based on the GRN wiring. We showed that feedback between OCT4, and BMP and WNT pathways created a dynamic OCT4 front that mediates the spatiotemporal evolution of developmental patterns. Translocation of this radial front can be predictively disrupted in vitro to control germ-layer pattern composition. This work links the emergence of multicellular patterns to regulatory network activity in individual hPSCs. We anticipate our approach will help to understand how GRN structure regulates organogenesis in different contexts.
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