Mechanical turk as an ontology engineer?: using microtasks as a component of an ontology-engineering workflow

Ontology evaluation has proven to be one of the more difficult problems in ontology engineering. Researchers proposed numerous methods to evaluate logical correctness of an ontology, its structure, or coverage of a domain represented by a corpus. However, evaluating whether or not ontology assertions correspond to the real world remains a manual and time-consuming task. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of using microtask crowdsourcing through Amazon Mechanical Turk to evaluate ontologies. Specifically, we look at the task of verifying the subclass--superclass hierarchy in ontologies. We demonstrate that the performance of Amazon Mechanical Turk workers (turkers) on this task is comparable to the performance of undergraduate students in a formal study. We explore the effects of the type of the ontology on the performance of turkers and demonstrate that turkers can achieve accuracy as high as 90% on verifying hierarchy statements form common-sense ontologies such as WordNet. Finally, we compare the performance of turkers to the performance of domain experts on verifying statements from an ontology in the biomedical domain. We report on lessons learned about designing ontology-evaluation experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Our results demonstrate that microtask crowdsourcing can become a scalable and efficient component in ontology-engineering workflows.
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