Mineralogy and petrology of two kimberlites at Dutoitspan Mine, Kimberley

The mineralogy and petrology of two kimberlites, a peripheral monticellite kimberlite, and its core of phlogopite kimberlite, from the West Auxiliary Pipe at Dutoitspan Mine are described. The mineralogy of the two kimberlites differs mainly in the presence of phlogopite macrocrysts, greater abundance of angular crustal inclusions, more heavy minerals and higher diamond grade in the phlogopite type. Microprobe analyses of olivine, phlogopite, monticellite, oxide minerals and garnet are presented. Silicate compositions are comparable in both kimberlites and zoning of olivine grains is typically towards a rim of Fo₈₉₋₉₀ʻ irrespective of whether cores are more Fe-rich or more Mg-rich. This is caused by re-equilibration after fluidised emplacement in the earth's crust of macrocryst-bearing kimberlite magma. Olivine aggregates were derived from sheared mantle lherzolite and single-crystal macrocrysts were formed at higher mantle levels from a kimberlitic crystal-mush magma. This was emplaced in the crust by rapid gas streaming. The post-fluidisation phenocrysts of olivine and phlogopite which formed then are in general more Fe-rich than macrocrysts. Re-equilibration of ilmenite results in the formation of complex perovskite and titanomagnetite mantles. Phlogopite macrocrysts are preserved in the monticellite contact rock where rapid quenching prevented their resorption and allowed separation of an immiscible carbonate melt, giving the abundant groundmass calcite. Atoll-textured spinels are found in the contact rock. Major and minor trace-element analyses of whole rock samples are presented and discussed, bringing into account the problem of contamination by crustal inclusions. Whole rock chemistry supports derivation of the kimberlites as partial melts of mantle material in the presence of a lithophile-element-enriched fluid. The monticellite contact rock is highly enriched in REE, Nb, and Sr due to rapid freezing of this perovskite-enriched phase. The monticellite type is more enriched in lithophile elements than the phlogopite type, which supports derivation of the monticellite type by a small degree of partial melting, further melting reducing the relative concentrations of lithophile elements to give the phlogopite kimberlite chemistry.
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