Exogenous processes and problems of rational nature management in the Selenga river transboundary basin

The problem of soil degradation as a result of deflation remains particularly relevant for the territory of the Selenga midland. Based on historical data, it led to huge losses in agriculture, the dust storms, sand filling of settlements and roads. The problem of desertification is closely connected with the processes of aeolian relief formation. Therefore, the development of effective policies and practices to prevent desertification requires investigations of geomorphological systems response to climate change and anthropogenic impact. The necessary data can only be obtained in the course of interdisciplinary research involving geography and geology methods and historical materials. This paper presents the data on the dynamics of aeolian relief formation during the Holocene and historical era in the central part of the Selenga midland. Based on the study of soil-sedimentary sections and its radiocarbon dating the stages of soil formation corresponds with an relatively favorable climatic conditions were distinguished. Arid phases correspond to activation of aeolian processes and manifest themselves as horizons of loess and sand deposits overlying the buried soils. The most intense, they were proceeded at the Late Glacial – Holocene border (12.9 – 11.7 kyr BP) and Early Holocene (10.5 – 9.4 kyr BP), in the Atlantic (8.6 – 6.9 kyr BP), beginning (~ 5.4 – 4.8 kyr BP) and the end (~ 3.4 – 2.9 kyr BP) of Subboreal period of Holocene. Analysis of historical and literature data revealed the process of farmland degradation into desert landscape, unsuitable for further agricultural use. For this territory results of investigation of the morphological structure, the rate of aeolian landforms formation and particle size distribution of the constituent of sand are presented.
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