Autoionization widths of open-M-shell germanium ions: effects on inner-shell absorptions

Large-scale configuration interaction calculations were carried out to obtain the level-by-level autoionization (AI) rates and resonance widths of the inner-shell excited configurations for the open-M-shell germanium ions. Detailed results are presented for Ge5+ as an example. The dominant ionization channels of the autoionized levels 2p53/23s23p63d10 and 2p51/23s23p63d10 of Ge5+ were determined, and it is shown that the channel from level 3s23p6(3d?13/23d?15/2)4 contributes the largest fraction of AI widths of 0.195 and 0.188?eV to the total width of 0.577 and 0.544?eV, respectively, from all possible channels. For typical experimental plasmas at temperatures of several tens and hundreds of eV, the AI resonance broadening is the dominant mechanism among the Doppler, electron impact and natural lifetime broadenings. Among the physical effects such as relativistic and the interaction between fine-structure levels belonging to the same non-relativistic configuration and different configurations, particular attention is paid to the effect of AI resonance broadening on the L-shell absorption. Different features of the inner-shell absorption due to AI broadening are presented in detail for Ge5+, Ge10+ and Ge17+. The total AI widths of levels from the configuration of one 2p electron being excited to 3d orbital were systematically investigated for Ge6+?Ge21+. Except for Ge20+ and Ge21+, the AI widths of the open-M-shell germanium ions dominate over all other line broadening mechanisms.
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